
  • A data struct with information for a transition animation used by the NavigationStackView.

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    public struct NavigationAnimation
  • A concrete type of navigation model which uses strings as identifier.



    public typealias NavigationModel = NavigationStackModel<String>
  • The underlying NavigationStackView‘s model which can be manipulated to apply the navigation transitions.

    This class is generic to provide the possibility to use a different type as identifier. However, normally you want to bound the identifier’s type simply to a string. For this you can also just use NavigationModel.

    An instance of this model has to be injected into the view hierarchy as an environment object: MyRootView().environmentObject(NavigationModel()) Even when using multiple navigation stack views in a view hierarchy there has to be always only one instance of NavigationModel. The model can be used with identifiers to target specific navigation stack views.

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    public class NavigationStackModel<IdentifierType> : ObservableObject where IdentifierType : Equatable
    extension NavigationStackModel: CustomDebugStringConvertible
  • The navigation view used to switch content when applying a navigation transition.

    This view works similar to SwiftUI’s NavigationView. Place it as the view’s root and provide the default content to show when no navigation transition has been applied. Use the NavigationModel to provide a destination view and transition animation to navigate to.


    A single instance of the NavigationModel has to be injected into the view hierarchy as an environment object: MyRootView().environmentObject(NavigationModel())
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    public struct NavigationStackView<IdentifierType> : View where IdentifierType : Equatable